Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hope-filled paths

I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. I know how confused you sometimes feel-and how much you long to find the way forward. You have tried so many different things; you have been so hopeful at times. Yet your hope-filled paths have led to disappointment. I want you to know that I fully understand how hard your journey has been. I also assure you that I can bring good out of every bit of it.
 This is the way of wisdom: trusting Me no matter what happens in your life. It is through trust that you follow Me along the right path. There are so many things that seem random or wrong as you go along your journey. Yet I am able to fit them all into a comprehensive plan for good-My Master Plan. So don't be fooled by the way things appear at a given point in time. You are looking at only a very small piece of a massively big picture. From your limited perspective, your journey may be confusing, with puzzling twists and turns. However, from My limitless, big-picture perspective, I am indeed leading you along straight paths. - Sarah Young

If you are struggling today, I pray that this devotion would encourage you as it did me.
-Jo Anna

Read about Luke's story here

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